Hong Kong Guard Dog works with a wide range of clients, such as high-end property households, private housing developers, property management companies, event and exhibition organizers, site security firms, logistics and shipping companies, cruise ship terminal operators and etc. We believe that the needs and wants of every customer are not the same. Therefore, in order to provide a tailor-made strategy for your reference, we would like to communicate with you and understand your consideration in advance.

High-end property households

Recently, there are many burglars and robbers targeting the high-end properties in Hong Kong. According to the report of Hong Kong Police, the burglaries and robberies on Hong Kong’s richest increased more than 70% in 2016. Meaning that more of the burglars and robbers intended to obtain a large amount of money at one single illegal activity. Generally speaking, the anti-theft system may be not able to drive the burglars and robbers out of the property. Since so, they may be not afraid of those security systems and break in the property before the police force or security guards arrive.  In contrast, our guard dog can perceive the possible unlawful break-in, and protect the households and their assets.


To relieve your worries, we can provide one-stop rental service for your convenience.


Private housing developers

We understand that every private housing developers want the buyer to feel safe when they are moving in. It just likes what we aim to do, to provide the best customer experience to our clients. Indeed, the recent series of home burglaries and robberies raised up the concern of the buyers about the property security. Comparing to the general anti-theft system, our guard dogs can increase the buyers’ confidence immediately. In the long run, our guard dog rental service can also promote the brand image of the private housing developers.

Property management companies

Nowadays, many professional property management companies start hiring the working dogs to maintain the safety of some specific locations, such as private housing estates, shopping mall, business center, and etc. As a matter of fact, the guard dogs can reduce the illegal activities, and give supports during emergency circumstances; the detection dog can perform sniffing tasks, and increase the performance of property management companies in crisis management. However, to build up a qualified working dog team is costly and time-consuming. For example, we spend over one million Hong Kong dollars in searching and purchasing the suitable dogs every year; meanwhile, each working dog has to be trained for one or two years until they are qualified. Currently, we are cooperating with different property management companies, renting the guard dogs and the detection dogs to them, and providing the dog handler training for their security guards. Therefore, we would like to work with your company and come up with a practical alternative to enhance your overall security quality.

Event and exhibition organizers

The large-scale event, such as exhibitions, music concerts, and nightclub parties, may attract some of the criminals to commit illegal activities there. Lots of the bombing and drug dealing activities proved that the current security check is not perfect. The careless security check can result in an irreparable outcome, which affects the reputation of the organizers and the site security firms. Indeed, we have participated the security checks for various types of events and exhibitions, such as the exhibitions in AsiaWorld-Expo and the Hong Kong visit of Premier League club. We can offer guard dogs and detection dogs rental service and provide working dog handlers to assist the security works of our clients. To take the Hong Kong visit of Premier League club as an example, that soccer club highly concerned about the security arrangement. Since so, they sent some of the security experts to Hong Kong and examined our working dog team. After that, they were fully satisfied with our service. 

Our working dog team are well-prepared and well-equipped to deal with any kind of challenges.

Logistics and shipping companies

According to the report of Hong Kong government, Hong Kong was the 8th largest trading entity in goods in 2015. The number of goods trading accounted for around 283 million tonnes in 2016, which indicated the effectiveness of the logistics and shipping industry. However, the terrorists and drug dealing criminals are currently taking that advantages to reexport the illegal and dangerous substances to overseas countries. In fact, these kinds of illegal activities increase the operating cost of the entire industry. For example, stop the machine and wait until the searches are done by the law enforcement agency. Our detection dogs can quickly perform the detection tasks since they have participated much simulated training. Our clients can report to the government agency once the detection dogs sniffed out the explosives and the illegal drugs. Therefore, reducing the operating cost.


Cruise ship terminal operators

Due to the geographic advantage, many cruises decide to make a port call in Hong Kong. Along with Kai Tak Cruise Terminal entered service in 2013, we believe that more of the cruise with the berth in Hong Kong for supplies, repairs and etc. Indeed, we have served different types of cruises and cruises terminal in the past, such as USS Ronald Reagan, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, Ocean Terminal, and etc. During the Hong Kong visit of USS Ronald Reagan, we sent out our working dogs and working dog handlers there to perform duties, such as dog patrolling on board, and sniffing the dangerous substances. The entire mission covered four to five days and took 24 hours per day. Finally, our working dog team successfully completed the mission, and none of the soldiers or visitors felt unsatisfied.   
