Professional working dog agency in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Guard Dog is a professional working dog agency in Hong Kong that provides expertise in security solutions for various clients, including working dog rental and working dog training. Unlike the other service providers, we have the largest dog training center across Hong Kong, which allow us to simulate the real-world scenarios and unexpected circumstances as the daily training. Thus, our working dogs, such as German Shepherds, Springers, Rottweilers, Labradors, and Beagles, are well-trained to perform different types of guarding and detecting services.


High-end property security is the core service of Hong Kong Guard Dog. Property crimes like burglaries and robberies are unavoidable. However, the anti-theft system can only alarm the households or the polices after the house has been broken-in. Since so, the industry gradually focuses on hiring and training more talented people as security guards, in order to discover suspicious circumstances and protect the households. Unfortunately, as a human being, security guards have their own limitations, such as low sensitivity of five senses in the midnight, or high awareness of self-defense. On the contrary, the guard dogs are more sensitive in five senses, like smelling and hearing. In fact, a well-trained guard dog can observe the suspicious movements around the house, inform the security guards or the households, and then take actions. For instance, the guard dog can catch and bite the burglars and robbers in a minute. In general, German Shepherd is one of the most common dog breeds for property security, because of its all-rounded characteristics, such as its physical ability and intelligence.

We offer a wide range of services to our clients, which include but not limited to high-end property security. We have sufficient resources to provide systematic guard dog and detection dogs services. our guard dogs can ensure the safety of the property users, as well as increase the effectiveness of the security system. On the other hand, our detection dogs can execute the sniffing tasks of the explosives or the illegal drugs, which can assure that the goods or the venues are safe without any dangerous conditions. Currently, our services cover the high-end properties, private housing estates, exhibition venues, shopping malls, business centers, cargo ships, cruise liners, cruise ship terminals, and etc.



Everyone wants to be safe. Hong Kong Guard Dog is one of the market leaders, our advantages include the self-owned breeding system, scenario simulation, training qualification, and government permission.

Self-owned breeding system

Hong Kong Guard Dog focus on breeding German Shepherds, Springers, and Labradors. As a matter of fact, the self-owned breeding system can guarantee that our dogs are in excellent conditions without any underlying diseases. To enhance our breeding system, we spend over one million Hong Kong dollars every year in searching and purchasing dogs with champion bloodline.

Scenario simulation

Comparing to our competitors, Hong Kong Guard Dog has the largest dog training center located in Yuen Long, Hong Kong. The entire training center is over 150,000 square feet. Thus, we can simulate various realistic scenarios for the working dog training. Moreover, to ensure the quality of training, we adopt the training materials developed by the national security research institutes. Furthermore, our working dogs can enjoy the spacious outdoor environment, as well as the individual living rooms with thermostat system. Since so, our working dogs can maintain good health when they are working. In general, the talented puppies will join our working dog training program, and the training period will last for one or two years. After that, they can participate the security missions until six years old. When the working dogs are retired, they will stay at our training center.

Training qualification

Daniel Tang, who is the founder of Hong Kong Guard Dog, is responsible for planning and designing our working dog training program. Daniel is a dog training expert, and he currently owns several international dog training qualifications, such as IACP Certified Dog Trainer, SBH Qualified IPO Trial Helpers, and etc. Moreover, Daniel joined the AFCD and acted as the course instructor of dog training courses from 2012 to 2016. He wants to promote the breeding knowledge to the public always.  Besides that, Daniel is one of the German Shepherd lovers, and he is the Vice Chairman of Hong Kong German Shepherd Association (HKSV). The association was established in 2000, which is the member of World German Shepherd Alliance (WUSV). In recent years, Daniel is leading his team to challenge the show dog competition in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Fortunately, Daniel achieved many of the championships to prove that he is one of the best dog trainers.

Government permission

Unlike some of the service providers, Hong Kong Guard Dog is the licensed working dog agency under the new regulations (Cap. 139 sub. leg. B) released in 2017. HKGD obtained all the suitable types of licenses and permits, including Animal Trader Licence, Dog Breeder Licence Category B, and a one-off permit by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD). Therefore, HKGD is legally breeding, trading, and renting working dogs, like German Shepherds, Springers, and Labradors. Furthermore, HKGD’s training center is approved by the government agencies, including Fire Services Department, Environmental Protection Department, Drainage Services Department, Lands Department, Planning Department, and etc.

Detection dog Rental Services

Our detection dogs have extensive experience in sniffing the explosives and illegal drugs at large-scale venues, such as the Hong Kong visit of Premier League club and USS Ronald Reagan.

Guard dog Rental Service

Our guard dog rental service has been expanded to other segments, including private housing estates, exhibition venues, shopping malls, business centers, cargo ships, cruise liners, cruise ship terminals, and etc.

High-end Property Security Plan

If you are interested in property security and guard dog rental service, please contact us. We are ready to provide you a comprehensive plan for property security.